To protect your information, MPEG LA employs the following security controls designed to keep sensitive information secure:
> UserID and Password:
When a user registers for online access to WebLA, they are required to create their own Password. In combination with the UserID, this password allows secure access to your authorized accounts.
> Security Questions:
When a user registers on the WebLA website they are required to select a security question and answer. This allows WebLA to confirm the user's identity before allowing them to reset their password.
> Session Timeout:
WebLA users are automatically logged off after a period of inactivity. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access from an unattended computer.
> Encryption:
WebLA uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure that data is encrypted between the user's computer and our systems. The letters "https" at the beginning of the website URL or a padlock or key icon on the browser indicate that a site uses SSL encryption.
> Firewall:
WebLA is protected by firewalls and other technologies that block unauthorized entry to the system.
In addition to these measures, you can take an active role in protecting your information by reviewing the following security suggestions:
> Protect your password:
To protect your account, never share your password with anyone, and change your password on a regular basis. If you believe that your password may have been compromised, change it immediately. If you feel that any unauthorized activity may have taken place please use the 'Contact Us' page on WebLA to notify us.
> Protect your computer:
Using up-to-date antivirus software and installing security updates regularly can protect your computer when you are online.
> Protect your session:
When you have finished using WebLA, click the 'Logoff' link to ensure that your session has been completely logged off.
MPEG LA does not disclose unauthorized confidential information about its clients. Confidential information is any information that is not generally known to or accessible by the public.
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